NRA Classes

To become a NRA Instructor
To qualify as an NRA Instructor
• Candidates will be required to demonstrate safe firearms handling skills.
• Candidates must possess, and will be required to demonstrate, a solid background in shooting skills and action types.
• Candidates must satisfactorily complete an NRA Instructor Training Course in the discipline they wish to teach (e.g., NRA Basic Pistol Course), and receive the endorsement of the NRA Training Counselor conducting the course.
If you have questions please call John at (503) 799-9534 or e-mail a message on the Contact Us page.

All about BIT training
BIT – Basic Instructor Training is prerequisite for all NRA Instructor level credentials. It is not a stand alone class, it is normally embedded in a NRA Instructor level class if needed. It covers the four building blocks of NRA teaching methods and several recommended teaching techniques. If you have questions about BIT please call John at (503) 799-9534 or e-mail a message on the Contact Us page.

Refuse To Be A Victim
Refuse To Be A Victim
- Non-lethal defense techniques
- Mental Preparedness
- Physical Security
- In and around your home
- In and around your car
- Away from home – shopping
- Traveling
- Technological Security
- Non-lethal tools – sprays, tasers, etc.
- $50.00 for this one day class

NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Basic Pistol
- Safe gun handling
- Selecting your handgun
- Gun handling
- Grip and stance
- Dominant eye
- Sight alignment, sight picture
- Trigger press and follow through
- Carry system
- 200 rounds of ammo needed
- Prerequisite for NRA Pistol Instructor class
- $150 for this one day class

NRA Range Safety Officer
NRA Range Safety Officer
- Safe gun handling
- Role of the RSO
- Standard Operating Manual
- Limits of your authority – SOP
- Watch the hands
- Watch eye and ear protection
- Range Inspection
- Range briefing
- Incident procedures – SOP
- Prerequisite for CRSO training
- $100.00 for this one day class

NRA Home Firearm Safety
Home Firearm Safety
- Safe gun handling
- Gun selection
- Safe storage at home
- Cover vs concealment
- 21 feet – OODA loop
- Dominant eye
- Sights
- Trigger press
- Prerequisite for NRA HFS Instructor
- 50 rounds of ammo needed
- $50.00 for this half day class

NRA Basic Rifle
NRA Basic Rifle
- Safe gun handling
- Action nomenclature
- Rifle operation
- Benchrest
- Shooting positions
- Trajectory
- Sighting in
- Prerequisite for NRA Rifle Instructor
- 100 rounds ammo needed
- $150.00 for this one day class

NRA Basic Shotgun
NRA Basic Shotgun
- Safe gun handling
- Shotgun action types
- Dominant eye
- Grip and stance
- Sights
- Swing, trigger
- Follow through
- Prerequisite for NRA Shotgun Instructor
- 25 rounds of ammo needed
- $150.00 for this one day class

Personal Protection In The Home
Personal Protection In The Home
- Safe gun handling
- Storage in the home
- Levels of awareness and mindset
- Confronting an intruder
- Defensive accuracy
- Secure your home
- The laws
- Prerequisite for PPITH Instructor
- 150 rounds of ammo needed
- $200.00 for this one day class

Personal Protection Outside The Home
Personal Protection Outside The Home
- Safe gun handling
- Storage away from home
- Threat identification
- Levels of awareness
- Justification for deadly force
- Physiological responses
- The laws
- Prerequisite to NRA PPOTH Instructor
- 300 rounds of ammo needed
- $350 for this two day class

NRA Concealed Carry Weapons
NRA Concealed Carry Weapons
- Safe gun handling
- Handgun and ammo selection
- Defensive handgun skills
- Carry systems
- Presentation from concealment
- Clearing malfunction and stoppage
- Defensive mindset
- Prerequisite to NRA CCW Instructor
- 150 rounds of ammo needed
- $150.00 for this one day class

Basic Instructor Training (BIT)
Basic Instructor Training
- Prerequisite for all Instructor training
- Must take with or before Instructor level classes
- NRA Teaching methods and techniques
- Basic Building Blocks
- Recommended teaching techniques
- 5 hours in the classroom
- $75.00 for this half day class

NRA Pistol Instructor
NRA Pistol Instructor
- Safe gun handling
- Handgun nomenclature and action types
- Malfunction clearance
- Vision issues
- Support hand gun handling
- Support hand shooting
- Teaching tools
- 5 hours in classroom (not incl BIT)
- 3 hours on the range
- 150 rounds of ammo needed
- $225.00 class fee (BIT not incl)

NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
Chief Range Safety Officer
- Safe gun handling
- CRSO writes SOP
- SOP is the bible for range facility operations
- Safety plan
- Range operations
- CRSO trains RSO’s
- Authority for disciplinary action if needed
- Reports to range owner or General Manager
- 6 hour classroom
- $225.00 class fee

NRA HFS Instructor
NRA HFS Instructor
- Safe gun handling
- Gun selection
- Gun owners responsibilities
- Storage systems
- Use of cover/concealment
- Time to respond to threat
- Sights
- Trigger
- 200 rounds of ammo needed
- $225.00 for this one day Class (BIT not incl)

NRA Rifle Instructor
NRA Rifle Instructor
- Safe gun handling
- Trajectory
- Sights
- Benchrest
- Shooting positions
- Breath control
- Malfunctions
- 50 rounds of ammo needed
- $225.00 for this one day class

NRA Shotgun Instructor
NRA Shotgun Instructor
- Safe gun handling
- Shotgun action types
- Shotgun operation
- Grip and stance
- Sights
- Swing
- Lead
- Trigger press
- Follow through
- 50 rounds ammo needed
- $225.00 for this one day class (BIT not incl)

NRA PPITH Instructor
NRA PPITH Instructor
- Safe gun handling
- Gun storage and access
- Mindset and awareness
- Justification
- Defensive accuracy
- Secure your home
- Legal requirements
- Setup your safe room
- Need 100 rounda of ammo
- $275.00 for this one day class

NRA PPOTH Instructor
NRA PPOTH Instructor
- Safe gun handling
- Storage
- Threat identification
- Levels of awareness
- Justification of deadly force
- Psysiological responses
- Clearing a structure
- The laws
- 250 rounds of ammo needed
- $350.00 for this two day class

NRA CCW Instructor
NRA CCW Instructor
- Safe gun handling
- Handgun and ammo selection
- Defensive handgun skills
- Carry systems
- Presentation from concealment
- Clearing malfunction and stoppage
- Defensive mindset
- Justification for use of force
- 150 rounds of ammo needed
- $300.00 for this two day class